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DEC Subdivisions are state, province, or international units comprised of DEC members. Subdivisions provide a means for networking, professional development, and information sharing for DEC members in each state, province, or international unit. Anyone involved in a subdivision must be a member of CEC and DEC.

Typical activities of a subdivision include publishing a newsletter, engaging in political advocacy, and supporting the activities of DEC. The subdivisions are a critical component in meeting the fundamental purposes of the organization (1) DEC Ends Policies and (2) Priority Issues Agenda.

Subdivisions are managed and led by Subdivision Officers who are DEC members and volunteers of the organization. A minimum representation of the following five Subdivision Officer positions is required and must include: President, Vice President or President-Elect, Treasurer, and one advocacy role (ex. CAN Coordinator). If there are not enough nominations to fill additional positions, responsibilities related to those positions (such as Membership Chair) may be combined with required positions, as determined by the board. 

Alternative Structures

Multiple states may join together to form one subdivision. For more information on alternative structures, contact DEC at

The Subdivision Support Committee assists the state-level DEC subdivisions. Learn more >>

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