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Call for Family and Practitioner Voices - Share Your Story

We want to hear from you!

A parent holds a baby and a toddler  while using their computer. The text reads Share your story!

DEC is collecting stories from families and practitioners. We would also welcome stories from groups including both family members and practitioners. 

How are the Executive Orders, policy changes, and current events impacting you? How have recent changes affected IFSP/IEP services and accommodations, childcare availability or accessibility, or Head Start or preschool opportunities? What are you worried about? 

Share using this submission form or schedule a phone call or online meeting with Peggy Kemp, Phd, DEC's Executive Director (

The information you share will only be available in full to the DEC Executive Office Staff and a small number of DEC volunteers who are bound by DEC's Privacy Policy. We do not and will not share your contact information or identifiable information without your consent. If you have questions or need translation or interpretation services, please contact us at


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