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Announcing DEC's New Executive Board Members

Division for Early Childhood welcomes the newly elected Vice President, Victor James Young, PhD, BCBA, and Member-At-Large, Kerri Kannengieser, MEd!

The New Executive Board Members

Victor James Young, PhD, BCBA  - Vice President

Victor James Young, PhD, BCBA

Vice President, 2024 - 2028

Kerri Kannengieser, MEd - Member-At-Large

Kerri Kannengieser, MEd

Member-At-Large, 2024 - 2027

About the Executive Board

The DEC Executive Board focuses their time and effort on ensuring accountability of the organization to fulfill its organizational purposes. The DEC Executive Board utilizes a structure of Policy Governance.

The DEC Executive Board has three primary jobs:

Ownership Linkage

Connecting with owners (DEC members and community stakeholders) to learn their values about what outcomes they desire for the organization and what means of reaching these outcomes would be unacceptable to them.

Policy Development

Translating into policy what the owners tell the Board they want as DEC outcomes, assigning responsibility for meeting the DEC outcomes and setting the ethical and practical limitations necessary to protect the organization.

Assurance of Organizational Performance

Monitoring the Executive Office and board behavior to ensure that DEC demonstrates reasonable progress toward desired DEC’s outcomes and reasonable compliance with the policies guiding the means to reach the outcomes.

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