Knowledge and Skills for Service Coordinators (KSSC)

Thanks to the more than 1000 service coordination stakeholders from 42 states who responded to the DRAFT Recommended Knowledge and Skills for Service Coordinators Nationwide Survey that was distributed by the National Service Coordination Training Workgroup and DEC’s Call for Input in April 2020. Overall, stakeholders were in strong agreement with the knowledge and skills and 89% of respondents found them to be comprehensive and complete. As a result, we are pleased to announce that the Recommended Knowledge and Skills for Service Coordinators have now been finalized and renamed as Knowledge and Skills for Service Coordinators (KSSC).
To learn more about the nationwide survey findings and how the information was used to finalize the KSSC please see our RKSSC Nationwide Survey Highlights & Response to Suggestions. An infographic, visual aid, and crosswalk are also available for additional historical information regarding the development process of the KSSC over the last three years. The National Service Coordination Leadership Institute Group (a subgroup of the National SC Training Workgroup responsible for developing the KSSC) extends their gratitude to the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) and Early Childhood Personnel Center (ECPC) for their support throughout this process.
Please visit the KSSC to learn more about how they may be used to support and guide Part C Early Intervention programs fulfilling the federal requirement of service coordination. To stay connected and informed on new and existing service coordination initiatives, such as the DEC and Infant Toddler Coordinator Association (ITCA) Joint SC Position Statement, please be sure to join the DEC Service Coordination Community of Practice!