ECPC DEC Early Childhood Leadership Initiative – Cohort 3 2020
The Early Childhood Personnel Center (ECPC) in partnership with the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) invites you to be part of the 2020 Early Childhood Intervention Leadership Cohort. The goal of the Early Childhood Leadership Initiative is to provide technical assistance and training to emerging and existing leaders to support statewide Comprehensive Systems of Personnel Development (CSPD). Leaders from institutes of higher education (faculty members), doctoral students and their advisors*, and families will have the opportunity to develop and implement an action plan to enhance one of the six subcomponents of the CSPD (Leadership, Coordination and Sustainability, Recruitment and Retention, Personnel Standards, Inservice, Preservice, and Evaluation).
Attendance at the ECPC/DEC Early Childhood Intervention Leadership Institute, June 2020, Avon, CT (
The dates for each group are as follows:
Families: May 31 - June 3, 2020
Doctoral Students with Advisors: June 2 - June 5, 2020
IHE Faculty: June 14 - June 17, 2020
A follow up meeting at the pre-conference of the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) 36th Annual Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and their Families, October 19, 2020 in Minneapolis, MN (
One year commitment
Participation in a monthly Professional Learning Community
Development of an action plan designed to enhance your engagement within state CSPD activities
Connecticut (CT)
Professional & Families: Air travel, lodging, meals during the institute
Minnesota (MN)
Professionals: Air travel, 2 hotel nights at Hilton Minneapolis, Preconference Registration
Families: Air travel, ground transportation, 2 hotel nights at Hilton Minneapolis, Meals (3 days), DEC Preconference Registration, DEC Conference Registration
Next step? Apply Here!
The deadline for applications is March 27, 2020.
*Doctoral students and their advisors must attend the face-to-face meetings (CT June 2020 and MN October 2020) as a team. Doctoral students will be asked to upload a letter of support from their advisor when completing the application.
**Limited space will be offered on a self-pay basis for those who apply but are not chosen through the application process.
For questions on submission, please contact Mary Beth Bruder,, Peggy Kemp,, or Darla Gundler,