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In early intervention, practitioners struggle to write IFSP outcomes based on what is important to the family.  Effective IFSP outcomes are the foundation of intervention. This presentation reviews new guidance documents adapted from the ECTA Functional Outcome Framework. This session will support functional outcome writing with visual guidance documents. Information about how to use the resources with staff and families and how to use a self-assessment process, individually or as a team, will be shared.


Participants will learn about the following documents:

  1. Stair step visualization of functional outcomes
  2. Functional criteria and definitions 
  3. Criteria examples 
  4. Functional outcome self-rating scale 
  5. Tip sheet


This improves early intervention practitioner and family competence and confidence. This session will actively engage participants in understanding core strategies in writing functional outcomes and using a self-reflective process.


Participant Outcomes:

  • To increase participant knowledge of writing functional outcomes based on family priorities.
  • To increase participant skills in writing functional outcomes based on family priorities.
  • To increase participant knowledge of available resources to support teams in writing functional outcomes.


Presenters: Kristen M. Votava, PhD, and Carol Johnson, PhD

Kristen M. Votava, PhD is a speech-language pathologist and early interventionist specializing in work with brith to 5-year-olds with 20 years of experience in the field of Early intervention. She has worked as an early interventionist, provided technical assistance for early intervention programs, and teaches at the University of North Dakota.


Carol Johnson, PhD is a speech language pathologist working in the field of early intervention within a trans-disciplinary paradigm. She has 30 years' experience working with families and young children with expertise in screening and assessment. She provides technical assistance for early intervention and teaches at the University of ND.

Writing Functional Outcomes as an IFSP Team

  • This digital product provides access to one (1) archived Learning Deck webinar for one (1) individual purchaser. Once the order is placed, the purchaser will receive a link to download the webinar recording as well as any webinar handouts. The webinar can be watched on-demand at any time once downloaded. Note: Archived webinar purchases do not include certificates of attendance. 


    Copyright Notice

    Please Note: Sharing a Learning Deck with one or more parties, without prior written permission from Division for Early Childhood, is a violation of copyright law. 


    Group Orders 

    If you would like to purchase a Learning Deck webinar for a group, please place an order here. Discounts are available for members and groups. 

  • Division for Early Childhood Learning Deck Webinars are webinars presented by experts in early intervention, early childhood special education, and related fields. Each webinar lasts approximately one hour (unless otherwise noted) and includes access to the full recording and any webinar handouts. Archived webinar purchases do not include certificates of attendance. 


    You can learn more about DEC Learning Deck webinars here. 

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