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Effective leadership is widely regarded as pivotal to the vitality of organizations. In early childhood programs, strong leadership is particularly critical because directors and service providers are the gatekeepers of quality. This session will present fundamental concepts of leadership in early childhood/early childhood special education (EC/ECSE) and reviews leadership models that are recommended for EC/ECSE settings. This presentation will reflect on DEC recommended practices in leadership and the DEC implementation checklist in leadership developed by ECTA center as a set of guiding tools in the field. The session will also put a specific emphasis on leadership development and sustainability in EI and ECSE by providing a short overview of research trends in EI and ECSE.


Participant Outcomes:  

At the end of this presentation, participants will:

  • Become familiar with the concept of leadership in general and leadership in EC and ECSE settings in particular.
  • Learn about research-based recommended models and frameworks for leadership specific to EC and ECSE settings.
  • Reflect on DEC recommended practices in leadership, and connect the practices with their own performance and programs.
  • Learn about current research trends in leadership in EI and ECSE.
  • Brainstorm with their colleagues about leadership development and sustainability in early childhood special education.


Presenters: Sara Movahedazarhouligh, MSc

Sara Movahedazarhouligh, MSc, is a Doctoral Candidate in Special Education with a specialization in Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education at the University of Northern Colorado.  She is also working as a graduate research assistant for Bresnahan-Halstead Center (BHC) in School of Special Education at UNCO. BHC funds different projects addressing research, professional development and technical assistance in different areas related to special education . Her research interests include: leadership development and sustainability in EI/ECSE, family-centered practices and service delivery approaches, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based practices and interventions, play development and naturalistic instruction for children with disabilities, cultural diversity and culturally responsive practices, and policy and advocacy in early childhood and early childhood special education.

Who is Missing at the Table?

  • This digital product provides access to one (1) archived Learning Deck webinar for one (1) individual purchaser. Once the order is placed, the purchaser will receive a link to download the webinar recording as well as any webinar handouts. The webinar can be watched on-demand at any time once downloaded. Note: Archived webinar purchases do not include certificates of attendance. 


    Copyright Notice

    Please Note: Sharing a Learning Deck with one or more parties, without prior written permission from Division for Early Childhood, is a violation of copyright law. 


    Group Orders 

    If you would like to purchase a Learning Deck webinar for a group, please place an order here. Discounts are available for members and groups. 

  • Division for Early Childhood Learning Deck Webinars are webinars presented by experts in early intervention, early childhood special education, and related fields. Each webinar lasts approximately one hour (unless otherwise noted) and includes access to the full recording and any webinar handouts. Archived webinar purchases do not include certificates of attendance. 


    You can learn more about DEC Learning Deck webinars here. 

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