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New or beginning practitioners may struggle to understand how the DEC Recommended Practices for Leadership are not just meant for administrators and supervisors, but connect to their work and professional growth as well. In this session, participants will learn the key principles of managing up to create an effective and productive relationship with program administrators or supervisors and how to create opportunities to use the Leadership Recommended Practices in their own work. The webinar will include an overview of the Leadership practices so that new practitioners start from a place of knowing what leaders are striving to do. Particular emphasis will be given to ways in which new practitioners can effectively communicate and advocate for the implementation of the Leadership practices in their programs. Topics of the session that will be connected to the practices include: developing positive working relationships; effective communication; identifying opportunities for growth; and providing constructive feedback. Participants will be given the opportunity to reflect on their own experience and will leave the session with at least two new strategies to utilize in their professional context.


Participant Outcomes:


  • Know the content of the 14 DEC Recommended Practices for Leadership.
  • Understand how the Leadership practices can be applied for a new or beginning practitioner.
  • Understand the key principles of managing up and how they can be utilized to create leadership opportunities regardless of their role.
  • Understand how they can support the implementation of the Leadership practices in their program or school.


Presenters: Kathi Gillaspy; Sarah Geldart, PhD; and Corin Collier

Kathi Gillaspy has over 25 years of experience as an early intervention and early childhood special education provider, program administrator, and technical assistance provider. She currently serves as the Technical Assistance Program Director at AnLar, a small educational consulting firm based in the Metro DC area.


Sarah Geldart, PhD, is a Senior Technical Assistance Specialist and works on educational and policy programs for district, state, and national projects. She has developed and provided more than 50 trainings on early childhood special education. Sarah is particularly skilled in evaluation, professional development, facilitation, and training design and delivery.


Corin Collier, is a Technical Assistance Program Analyst who supports statewide early childhood special education projects. She has experience designing high- quality professional development opportunities for families and educators incorporating the DEC recommended practices and effective leadership skills. She brings a keen eye to incorporating adult learning theory into training design.

Managing Up: Using the DEC for Leadership

  • This digital product provides access to one (1) archived Learning Deck webinar for one (1) individual purchaser. Once the order is placed, the purchaser will receive a link to download the webinar recording as well as any webinar handouts. The webinar can be watched on-demand at any time once downloaded. Note: Archived webinar purchases do not include certificates of attendance. 


    Copyright Notice

    Please Note: Sharing a Learning Deck with one or more parties, without prior written permission from Division for Early Childhood, is a violation of copyright law. 


    Group Orders 

    If you would like to purchase a Learning Deck webinar for a group, please place an order here. Discounts are available for members and groups. 

  • Division for Early Childhood Learning Deck Webinars are webinars presented by experts in early intervention, early childhood special education, and related fields. Each webinar lasts approximately one hour (unless otherwise noted) and includes access to the full recording and any webinar handouts. Archived webinar purchases do not include certificates of attendance. 

    You can learn more about DEC Learning Deck webinars here. 

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