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“The DEC Recommended Practices support children’s access and participation in inclusive settings and natural environments and address cultural, linguistic, and ability diversity. They also identify key leadership responsibilities associated with the implementation of these practices.” – DEC Recommended Practices, 2014.


Continuous improvement is a common aspiration of many educators. What’s less common is the lack of dedicated processes and protocols to ensure it is effectively practiced. An approach developed by Johns Hopkins University faculty provides a coherent way to engage stakeholder teams in continuous improvement. Regardless of which evidence-based practice leadership is considering, this approach will help leaders develop ongoing routines that: build high-performance teams, use processes and protocols that will drive changes to practice, and focus on implementation fidelity within a team-based continuous improvement cycle. In this webinar, participants will learn about the four high leverage drivers that distinguish the Dynamic Impact approach from traditional Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycles and will have an opportunity to reflect and compare Dynamic Impact with their own practices for continuous improvement.approach increases a team’s capacity for high performance, focuses on the fidelity of implementation of evidence-based practices, and provides protocols and processes for planning, needs assessment and root cause analysis, strategy selection, and progress monitoring within a cycle of continuous improvement.


Participant Outcomes: Participants will leave the webinar understanding how the Dynamic Impact approach increases a team’s capacity for high performance, focuses on the fidelity of implementation of evidence-based practices, and provides protocols and processes for planning, needs assessment and root cause analysis, strategy selection, and progress monitoring within a cycle of continuous improvement.


Presenters: Jennifer Dale, EdD, and Cecilia Leger

Jennifer Dale, EdD, is the Program Administrator for Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education (JHU-CTE), leads research and evaluation projects related to general and special education across the Center. She provides technical assistance to state and local teams in the Dynamic Impact approach to support systems change.


Cecila Leger is an Early Childhood Program Quality Specialist for Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education (JHU-CTE), provides development and technical support for Maryland’s early intervention data systems. She helps to foster systemic change through the use of high-quality early childhood data to inform practice and policy.

Enhancing Child and Family Outcomes through a Continuous Improvement Approach

  • This digital product provides access to one (1) archived Learning Deck webinar for one (1) individual purchaser. Once the order is placed, the purchaser will receive a link to download the webinar recording as well as any webinar handouts. The webinar can be watched on-demand at any time once downloaded. Note: Archived webinar purchases do not include certificates of attendance. 


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    Please Note: Sharing a Learning Deck with one or more parties, without prior written permission from Division for Early Childhood, is a violation of copyright law. 


    Group Orders 

    If you would like to purchase a Learning Deck webinar for a group, please place an order here. Discounts are available for members and groups.

  • Division for Early Childhood Learning Deck Webinars are webinars presented by experts in early intervention, early childhood special education, and related fields. Each webinar lasts approximately one hour (unless otherwise noted) and includes access to the full recording and any webinar handouts. Archived webinar purchases do not include certificates of attendance. 

    You can learn more about DEC Learning Deck webinars here

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