Communities of Practice: Development
The DEC provides Communities of Practice (CoPs) guidance on developing, growing, and sustaining CoPs within the organization. DEC also supports the CoP facilitators to ensure shared interests and practices align with DEC's Mission, Priority Issues Agenda, DEC Ends Policies, and Position Statements.
DEC Communities of Practice are groups of professionals and families consisting of DEC members and nonmembers. Communities of Practice are formed around specific interest and practice areas to foster connections, further knowledge, and engage in conversations and activities around a common interest. Communities of Practice are a critical component of the DEC Mission. Scroll to the bottom of this page for additional CoP guidance.
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CoP Facilitators
DEC CoPs support the connection, growth, and knowledge of its members. A facilitator holds a critical role in the organization and development of the community. Each CoP has at least two co-facilitators to coordinate and organize the functioning of the group. CoP co-facilitators cultivate and nurture a sense of community and engagement through regular communication, interaction, and collaborative work among members.
The Division for Early Childhood Guide to Communities of Practice defines what CoPs look like within DEC, outlines the process of starting, organizing, and/or joining a new CoP, and describes the activities of DEC communities. The guide also describes how the DEC CoP Development Committee and the Executive Office provide support and guidance to the CoPs.
CoP Leadership & Guidance
Additional Resources:
Introduction to Communities of Practice (Wenger & Wenger-Traynor, 2015)
Growing Together: Developing and Sustaining a Community of Practice in Early Childhood (Gillaspy, Vinh, Surbrook-Goins, & Nichols, 2019)
Interested in forming a new CoP around a shared interest or practice? Download the Forming a New DEC Community of Practice or contact the DEC Executive Office at
CoP Development Committee
The CoP Development Committee assists DEC by providing guidance to CoP facilitators and support to members in creating new CoPs. Learn more about the committee members >